Ƣ ϱȸ ȯմϴ Ƣ
무제 문서

무제 문서





ۼ : 06-03-01 20:25
the end of u.s.
 ۾ : prophet
ȸ : 10,366  
ȣͲ ̷ ϼ̽ϴ. ̱
ʴ ׵鿡 ؾ Ѵ. " ϶ ǰ ʾҴ?" ȣ ̴. 񿡰 ص, ʾҴ. ׷ ̸ ʰ Ϸ ̸ Ͽ ൿϿ. 񿡰 Ը ׸ ǰ ˷־, װ Ű װ ̾Ͼ ְ Ͽ. ׷ ݿϿ. Դ ϸ ׷ ̾Ͼ ǰ ôϿ. ׷ Ϸ 븦 ڴٰ Ͽ. ׷ ̸ ʰ Ϸ ̸ Ͽ ൿϿ. Ʋ ʾҴ. 񿡰 Ǵ Ǵܴ ŵ Ͽ. ׷ ϰ ൿϸ鼭 Ͽ. ΰ Ѵ. ֱ ȣͰ ̷ Ѵ. ʿ ڴ. ʸ Ͽ Į Į ̾ װԼ Ƿο ڿ ڸ ڴ.׷ ü ڴ ȣͰ Į Į и ˰ ̴.
During the last 3 years ( 3 ), the U.S. has been afflicted me with various methods(̱ Դ): (with Korean police cooperation,ѱ Ʒ) 24 hours eavesdropping(24ð û), thorough secret surveillance (ö )even with scout planes ( )(these planes follow wherever I go fart out white smokes for the personal attack, ٴϸ ⸦ վ νŰ ϸ), poisonous substances to eliminate me secretly ( ϱ ؼ طο ̿) (ex) in the haircut saloon (̿ǿ) they apply it on my head to permeate on my brain (Ӹ ؼ ϰ ϸ). Putting spies in groceries, facilities (Ʈ ü  ̸ ɾΰ), smuggling into my house countless times to poison on foods or toothpaste, etc( ̳ ġ Ű). The U.S. air force jet planes' route has been set according to my location for 3 years ( 3 ̱ ġ( õ) ׷ΰ ). If I am in hospital apply harmful medicine.. etc, etc...(̷ ϵ ź Կ طο Դ ɷ)
Jehovah God knows all of it and will bring justice to all of it. (ϳԲ װ Ͽ Ǹ Դϴ)

ϳԲ ް ϴ ( , 3:16) ̸, ϸ, (̰ ε) ȭ ȭ Ҽ (, θ 1:23, 17:15, 4:3, ̻ 33:15- ƴϸ), ε ( , 5:28) ̸-21:8, ̿ ̾߱ؾ Ѵ. ( 9:24)
̴ ϳ ȣʹ ϴ ϳ̶. (ȣ24:19)
ϳ õ 游 ֱ .(̾23:24)
糪 ǽ ⻵ ø Ǹ 帣 ϶. (Ƹ5:21-24, ȣ6:6)
[ Խù ϱȸԿ 2010-09-07 11:09:17 Խǿ ̵ ]
[ Խù ϱȸԿ 2010-09-07 11:10:15 11 ̵ ]





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